At the Computer Vision Lab
(CVL) we believe that with the modern ubiquity of machine learning, the
sharing of image datasets is crucial for the development of new
approaches. This website hosts published datasets for plant phenotyping,
and will continue to grow as researchers from other organisations host
data here. All datasets come with annotations ranging from simple points
through to detailed segmentation masks. Each is aimed at providing
valuable training and testing data for machine learning and computer
vision applications, including classification, object localisation, and
The CVL is a multidisciplinary group
performing basic and applied research in image manipulation, image
analysis, computer vision and related areas of machine learning. A lot
of our research focuses on plant phenotyping, but we also do human
affective computing, and medical imaging. If you'd like to learn more,
please click to read about the group.
Contribute Datasets
By hosting your own
datasets on ACID, you benefit the research community by providing access
to good quality training data for new approaches in computer vision.
Each dataset provides information on authors, and links back to original
papers. We also track downloads that you can use as a measure of
impact. Contact us now to get started!